So, I am convinced the weather will stay nice now! We had snow the other day. I planted most of my annuals in some boxes outside today. If they die, well shit. I spent way too much money on plants already… Could have gotten a new tattoo probably :p 

I got some 5-HTP which is hydroxytryptophan. It’s a supplement that helps with serotonin depletion. I am taking a bunch of others too, and am restarting accutane. Wish me luck! Accutane worked wonders for my skin, made my nails long AND I lost weight. Too bad they won’t let me take it forever!

I have today and tomorrow off. Probably visiting a friend overnight tonight. I have a lot to do inside and outside of the house, but damn on my days off I feel like I can barely function! 

Trying manuka essential oil on my face, too. I’m not sure what’s wrong, but after stopping accutane I broke out bad and it’s just gotten worse.

Also, I am getting excited for Game of Thrones coming on soon. Anyone else a fan?!